December 2024 Teen Book Club Lonely Castle in the Mirror by Mizuki Tsujimura
Cover of book Lonely Castle in the Mirror Mizuki Tsujimura translated by Philip Gabriel

Lonely Castle in the Mirror

by Mizuki Tsujimura

Seven students are avoiding going to school, hiding in their darkened bedrooms, unable to face their family and friends, until the moment they discover a portal into another world that offers temporary escape from their stressful lives. Passing through a glowing mirror, they gather in a magnificent castle which becomes their playground and refuge during school hours. The students are tasked with locating a key, hidden somewhere in the castle, that will allow whoever finds it to be granted one wish. At this moment, the castle will vanish, along with all memories they may have of their adventure. If they fail to leave the castle by 5 pm every afternoon, they will be eaten by the keeper of the castle, an easily provoked and shrill creature named the Wolf Queen.

Delving into their emotional lives with sympathy and a generous warmth, Lonely Castle in the Mirror shows the unexpected rewards of reaching out to others. Exploring vivid human stories with a twisty and puzzle-like plot, this heart-warming novel is full of joy and hope for anyone touched by sadness and vulnerability.

Mystery Writers of Japan Award (日本推理作家協会賞) Nominee for Best Novel (2018), 本屋大賞 (2018)

How These Live Book Clubs Work

Participation in the live book club includes access to a set of resources and activities as well as interactive components.

Participants receive

  • A suggested reading schedule
  • PDF reading guides with comprehension questions
  • Vocabulary/reading activities
  • Discussion board posts in our online classroom
  • Writing/multimodal project prompts related to the reading
  • An invitation to a live discussion
  • A recording of the summary of the live discussion
  • An optional feedback add-on for the final paper/project
  • Rubrics for at-home feedback

Families are welcome to use as much or as little of the suggested resources and activities as they'd like to fit their interest and schedules.


13 - 18


December 1 - 31, 2024

Live Meeting:

There are two options for attending a live meeting for this club. An afternoon/evening option is offered to accommodate people with different schedules. Please only attend one of these meetings.

A video summary presentation will be made available for those unable to attend the live meeting. To protect participant privacy, recordings of the meetings will not be distributed to anyone who did not attend the meeting.

Note: meetings with fewer than 3 attendees may run a bit shorter depending on how participation goes.

Option 1:

January 2, 2025 (Thursday)

7:00 PM Eastern / 6:00 PM Central / 5:00 PM Mountain / 4:00 PM Pacific Time

Option 2:

January 3, 2025 (Friday)

1:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Central / 11:00 AM Mountain / 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Note that the live meetings will be held in the first week of January to accomodate December winter holidays.


A copy of the book (edition info here). Borrowed, used, and audio formats will work.

  • Zoom account for live session
  • Microphone and camera for live session (optional)
  • PDF reader
  • Access to printer if you want to print worksheets

Content Note:

This book engages with difficult but extremely relevant topics for young people, including mental health, sexual assault and survivorship, cancer, illness/death of family member, depression, social isolation, bullying. 

As a book written in Japan, this story may contain some topics that are best understood in a Japanese cultural context; generosity by readers is recommended to engage constructively with the content as part of learning to be a global citizen.

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